Traditional biodegradable single-use products, such as PLA and paper-based alternatives, may not be as environmentally friendly as commonly perceived.

PLA, or Polylactic Acid products, require an exceptionally long time to decompose, especially if they end up in landfills, where many of them inevitably do. In such conditions, they can persist for hundreds of years, similar to conventional plastics. Moreover, the necessary facilities for successful biodegradation are often lacking, leading to a buildup of PLA in landfills or the natural environment, rather than recycling or decomposition.

In contrast to natural biomass, which enriches the soil with nutrients during decomposition, PLA adds little value and can even increase soil acidity due to the lactide formed during the breakdown of lactic acid. Even when properly sent to composting facilities, the U.S. recycling rate for PLA was only 5%-6% in 2022, leaving most of these products in the wild or landfills, causing harm to the environment.

But what about paper products? There are a couple of significant concerns to consider:

Firstly, "forever chemicals" known as PFAS, or Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are used in paper products. These human-made chemicals, resistant to grease, oil, water, and heat, can accumulate in the environment for extended periods, posing long-term exposure risks. PFAS can bioaccumulate in organisms, including humans, as they move up the food chain. Even minimal PFAS exposure can lead to higher concentrations in the body over time, potentially causing health issues.

Additionally, there's the issue of deforestation. In Europe, paper products like straws and plates are not considered eco-friendly due to their use of PFAS, the depletion of trees, and their significant carbon footprint impact.

Corn Next's CornNext-17 addresses and eliminates all these concerns. Its natural degradability allows it to break down completely without any intervention in any environment, often within just 30 days. This is in stark contrast to PLA products, which could take hundreds of years to decompose if left untouched. CornNext-17 leaves no harmful chemicals behind, unlike the "forever chemicals" found in paper products.

CornNext-17 truly represents a game-changer in sustainable materials, and it's just the beginning of our efforts to protect the planet. We're excited to share more about our environmentally friendly solutions with you.


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